Some thoughts from the past few days.
When going from a pattern consisting mainly of K3, P3 :||, don't think you can just easily go to a pattern consisting mainly of K2, P2 :||. It will get a little tricky.
Also, you can buy yarn online. You go online, then you buy the yarn, then you have it. I'm waiting for the having, but I'll have soon and then I'll knit.
Team Immune System, with star players the twins Red and White BloodCells, backed up by their favorite assistants, Orange Juice, Ginger Ale, and Plenty O'Fluids, have been valiantly battling the dreaded and mysterious Illness Team, made up of lead players including the Muscle Duo: Sore and Achy, backed up by occassional appearances by the Ache of Heads, Runn E. Nose, and Cough O'Doom.
So far Team Immune has been able to hold back Team Illness, but we will keep you posted as the battle wages.
Also, we watched Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail in class last night (History of Christianity) and then discussed: " the patterns of "Modified Patriarchy" in American Christianity, and movements for equal rights and moral duties for women, relate to the critique of religious violence in Monty Python. How is the fictional/satirical Python critique of "Christian progress" made evident or concrete in the writings of and about women in America from [the readings for today]? Note especially well the stories of Anne Hutchinson, Sarah Grimke, and the contrast between Cyrus Cort and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. How is Python's hyper-masculinist satire (see especially Launcelot) an ironically feminist critique of the folly of Christian 'progress?'"
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