November 19, 2009

I made a promise that I wouldn't add any more to my Ravelry queue until I knit stuff from it. Does it count if I didn't put the thing on my queue but moved straight into knitting it?

Also, an update: Team Immune is still holding well, but Team Illness has tried to add a player: Ear N Fection. Team Immune is calling foul, but the refs are still in conference.

1 comment:

Lydia-Ann said...

It's okay to do that. I do that. I also knit from the bottom of my queue (the most recently added projects). Sometimes the need for a knitted object/knitting project outweighs the estimated order of knitting. To borrow from Pirates of the Caribbean "[The queue] is more like guidelines anyway."

I'm cheering for a victory by Team Immune. Feel better!