I'm about to go do some reading and head to bed, but I have a few little updates, and more to come in the future.
First, I have a new blog section. http://healthierpanda.blogspot.com/ is a blog dedicated to helping me have motivation and accountability for the new exercise program I began today. I may also put healthy recipes and whatnot up, but for now, it's going to be all about the exercise and trying to report in as often as possible about how that's going. I put it in a separate blog, though, in case you want to skip the "aaahhh my muscles are so sore but I feel AWESOMEEEEE" posts, and just get the regular stuff.
Second, I was assigned to region 7. (That's the synods of NEPA, SEPA, NJ, Metro NYC, Upstate NY, New England, and Slovak-Zion.) I'll find out which synod on March 17th after having interviews with the bishops and their staffs (staves?) at an event at the seminary called "match" (or, if you're the students, "speed dating").
Third, I started working in the mailroom today. It's an interesting job with an interesting boss, but I like it. There's lots of time for doing homework, and I hear that starting in the mailroom is the best way to succeed in business without really trying.
Six hours of class tomorrow, and I'll have to be able to actually, you know, get up and down from chairs at different points in the day, so I'm going to finish this water and go to bed in the hopes that soreness isn't too bad.
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