January 10, 2013

Being a grown-up

I was such a grown-up today. I'm done with that though for the next hour, then I'll be a grown-up for a good ten to fifteen minutes, then I'll go to sleep.

First, I got up and had breakfast while working on some homework and sending in an application for a two-week fellowship in the summer.

Then I practiced and played piano for chapel.

I came back to my apartment and had lunch. Lunch was two pieces of cinnamon raising bread spread each with a thin layer of homemade honey cinnamon walnut butter and then topped (each) with a liberal application of apple butter. (Liberal here meaning almost a lot of apple butter. I did not ask the apple butter about its political leanings.)

I then went to class. Well, I went early to keep working on my resume and an essay and review some things for class. I didn't want to go to class, 'cause I was super tired and not feeling great, but I went to class 'cause that's what grown-ups do.

After class, in which I was brilliant and observant, I went back to my apartment. At my apartment I finished my resume AND essay for the summer fellowship. I emailed them to mom for proofing, did dishes, made dinner, received the proofing, sent in the essay and resume, and wrote and sent in a report for a different thing.

THEN, feeling fully done with being a grown-up, I made hot chocolate. I put a soft peppermint in it.
BUT, it was too hot, so I ice massaged my feet. I hate ice massaging my feet. It makes them itch. I ice massaged both my feet for five minutes each. And now, I'm updating my blog, watching West Wing, and drinking hot chocolate. After all that, I'll put breakfast in the slow cooker (spiced pumpkin oatmeal, if I have the spices, otherwise just pumpkin oatmeal). I'll set my alarm for six hours later, at which point I'll turn the slow cooker down and go back to sleep until a reasonable hour.

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