New Orleans was fun, but stressful.
Camp is awesome.
Hammocks are heaven.
I'm supposed to rest, ice, wrap, and elevate my poor, silly, grumpy ankle. In N.O., resting didn't happen, ice was hard to come by, wrapping happened daily... but elevation was difficult due to our being so close to sea level. Here at Camp, the elevation is much greater, although not so great as it was in the airplane.
Cousins are the cuteness. Cousin E look a LOT like Aunt J (who Counsin E is constantly surprised that we share). (Also, that's not saying that Aunt J is fantastically cute, but that the two share a very similar thinking face.) Cousin W likes being tossed in the air, eating other people's food ("table surfing," his mother calls it), and trying to touch the guitar. Both Cousins are totally enamored with making sounds on both Tabitha (my guitar) and my new PVC pipe pan flute. (Note: PVC and PCP are two different things. I have to remind myself which is which when I talk about them, because dyslexia.)
I'm a little stressy about some things for the upcoming school year, but all will be well.
To sleep soon, because Cousins wake early, and, though I have troubles with early-morning-fence-crossing, I come to full consciousness best when in the presence of adorableness.
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