October 29, 2009

Thursdays are Seminary Fridays

Well, folks, it's been a long day. Long, but the kind of day that's mixed enough to feel like six days in one and a person starts to really feel like a grown-up for handling it all.

There were certainly a good number of ups: met a Wartburger who was here to visit that I'd never met on campus (hard to do), got a 97% on my Greek midterm, got an A on my Markan Creed.

There were also a good number of downs: got bad news from a friend overseas, haven't felt totally tops, and walked out on my immature Greek section (that I sort-of/unofficially lead).

But I went shopping and now I have yocrunch and chicken wonton soup (like chicken noodle, only about 1303% better) and milk and mac&cheeese and sketti sauce for my wagon wheels.

And now I'm going to bed. Good night, world.


gram said...

Back up one: I want to be a meta-human too! Take two: I fully expected the Markan creed to rate an A. When do we get the next creed? Happy Halloween e'en.

ten said...

Glad they have chicken wonton in PA too - I haven't found it here yet.