October 15, 2009


Okay, you get four posts today, but I'm really excited.

See, Thrivent [Financial for Lutherans] puts out the Pastor's Desk Calendar every year. It's red and spiral bound and all the pastors (or at least many) that I have known, I have seen using one at one point or another.

And now I have my very own. They gave them away in the lounge to the seminary students. (From the number of Thrivent ads, I think they give them away to all the pastors too, but I could be wrong.)

It's super cool. It's got the monthly view, which tells you feast days (marked with which Lutheran denominations subscribes to which), and which liturgical colors are for which days. It's got the weekly view, which on the left page has Monday through Saturday, and on the right has Sunday with the lectionary readings, the color, information on if it's a special day, and spots for sermon text, theme, hymns, intercessions, notes and announcements, and worship attendance. Special non-Sundays (Maundy Thursday, Thanksgiving, Ash Wednesday, etc) get their own full page with the same information/sections.

And it's a 2010 calendar going from the last week of November 2009 through the end of December 2010. Why? Because the last week of November is the start of Advent, the new liturgical year.

And in the back it has places to note "Advance appointments" in 2011, and monthly records of pastoral calls and "official pastoral acts" (baptisms, confirmations, marriages, and funerals). 

And I think it really says something about my sense of call (and lack of motivation to actually do dishes) that I am so giddy excited about this.

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