You can tell it's a rainy day at seminary right before a long break when you get two updates from me in one day. (Well, three technically, since by now the new Musings post should've posted itself.)
It has been, actually, quite the busy day in seminary land.
It all started with a raisin bread french toast breakfast. Which, actually, is even better than it sounds.
I had a meeting before lunch with a professor that went really well. It's my systematics prof and he's fabulous. He's quite knowledgeable (meaning I think he knows at least something about everything there is to know something about), and he makes fabulous references. I believe I've already mentioned his knitting references. But he also said, after trying to explain homoousia and hypostasis using a reference to the Star Trek episode where Picard is taken over by the Borg, "how can you come to study theology and not have seen Star Trek??" Another example, there is a little part of the floor in the lecture hall that sticks up (I think it's for computer wires or something) and he kept tripping over it and said that maybe it was like "... in Buffy's school where the mouth of hell is hidden and the vampires come out."
So there was that meeting and two classes and then I was in charge of evening prayer (which I had practiced for for over an hour after breakfast). And I mean in charge. I played the organ, canted the cantor parts, lead the prayers, picked the readings... basically it was me. (Well, I got Rodney the Sacristan to read the reading and turn a page for me.) It was fun, but more stressful than I had anticipated. I could tell I had been stressed when, after the service walking back to our building, I talked through it all like I used to do after recitals. I guess it's how I destress.
And now I'm going to rewash two dishes, throw a piece of an orange peel that I stole from a friend (with his permission, actually) down the disposal, and hope that The Smell finally goes away. I'm not sure what happened except that maybe when I rinsed out the milk jug some of the poured out watermilk ended up in the bowl in the sink (which had just had trail mix in it so I ignored it) and created The Smell. Then I'll clean the bathroom, prepare my laundry for doing tomorrow, and then tomorrow I'll do laundry and go to work and then Bear will be here and we will have relaxing fun.
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