I went to the yarn store down the street today.
I bought DK weight in the most beautiful shade of ****** you ever did see. (They sell DK weight)
I bought size * Inox DPNs. (They sell Inox, as well as bamboo.)
I went in with a shopping list (DK weight, size * needles, and a metal yarn needle) and only bought two of the things on my list and NOTHING MORE. I think that shows restraint. No, I know that shows restraing.
I also joined their frequent visitor club and have a frequent visitor card and on my tenth visit I get 20% off.
And now, instead of casting on the **** for **** with the *** yarn and size * needles, I'm going to study Greek.
You are awesome and amazing.
And oof, the lack of role models in your life for such restraint!
But why are the details censored out? Is there a yarn conspiracy?
I'm frightened!
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