October 7, 2009

Complaints during break from class...

  • I have 99 stitches and I'm only supposed to have 98 and I can't find where I didn't decrease, and anyway it would've been at least 2 rows ago.
  • I really really have an upset stomach today and feel gross.
  • It's Outfly and I'm in class.
  • I really need to do dishes.
  • It's rainy outside, but not really rainy, just gross rainy.
  • Did I mention I'm in class on Outfly?
  • I have to get blood drawn soon.
  • I think today's the day to turn in time cards and my boss won't be in until Friday so I don't know when I'm going to get paid (going to find that out later)
  • My annoying floormates were up until freaking 11:30 last night being noisy. Why can't people just be AWARE of their surroundings.
  • A bunch of people are complaining about a class unneccessarily. They don't understand the material so they're blaming the professor. The paper wasn't that hard, you just had to use critical reading skills and apply the material we've been discussing in class to the primary source texts. Not that hard, you're in grad school now, get over it.
  • I hate people. 

1 comment:

ten said...

I hate people today too!

And we'll show them. We'll Outfly for a whole week to the Coolest Place Ever. So there.

I've been promised snow. Pack warm.