August 2, 2009

Seminary II: CPE

Seminary isn't just a school-year gig. It's a year-round fount of knowledge, learning, and experience!

Following a typical plan, a seminarian will spend the summer after their first year of classes completing a unit of CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education). CPE teaches the seminarian about wider ministry by working in a clinical setting. This can be at a hospital, nursing home, trauma room, ER, or other setting. The CPE students work together with CPE instructors to discuss cases, learn and hone skills, and so on. CPE is an opportunity for students to work on personal goals with relation to ministry, and to get to know themselves, their call, and the world better.

I believe that for me, CPE will be even more important, as it will be a discernment factor in determining whether or not I am actually being called to be a hospital chaplain. Residency (a requirement for chaplaincy) will help with that even more, but I believe CPE will be a good starting point for some of those conversations.

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