Seminary is the academic side of the four year process. The counterpart to candidacy, which we began discussing yesterday.
Seminary is a four-year process and a specific type of grad school. (Like med school, nursing school, law school, etc.)
Seminary involves classes of all sorts as well as hands-on experience in a variety of ministry settings. Classes vary as they do at many institutions: some lecture, some discussion, some participation, etc. Usually no dissections though... guess we're not too much like med school.
In one's first year of seminary, one takes introduction courses, and begins language training. At my seminary, students must take, in the end, both biblical Hebrew and Greek, although at other seminaries and divinity schools the language requirements vary. I would hope to find the time to take Latin as well, but I'm not sure that will happen. At many Lutheran schools, advanced reading of German is offered, for the advanced study of Luther and other German reformers.
Also during the first year (at LTSP: other seminaries vary) one takes field experience, going with a few other seminarians to different churches in the area. Each group spends a few weeks at each location, attending Sunday services and meeting as a group during the week to discuss observations. The churches vary in size, predominant race and culture, and even denomination. This is to educate the new seminarians in the variety of ways that ministry is done. Well, I think that's why... I suppose I'll find out more later.
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