March 1, 2009

knowing stuff

Do you have any idea how much information is out there? Knowledge, fact, discussion, theory, posit, etc, etc, etc.

I just went through and made myself a new Amazon wishlist. I now have three: general, Church Music & Hymnals, and the new one: Very Short Introductions. This is a shameless plug for that particular book series. I had to read "World Music" for class, and now I'm reading "Theology" on my own. Next on the list for me is "Dada & Surrealism" to be followed by... who knows what?

They are really useful, quite short, easily accesible (in terms of word choice, sentence structure, terminology, etc), and so on. World music, jazz, quantum theory, the earth, game theory, facism, social anthropology, and so on.

I have 106 books on my list. One I already own (Theology), but I put it on there so I could mark it as owned so people wouldn't think "why doesn't she want theology?"

There's so much information in the world!

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