May 22, 2012

Tuesday update and Inheritance

Violin update: I'm almost to the gluing point. I have several more pieces to dremel down, and then the planning and cutting for the locations of the electronics. After that it's gluing, staining, and assembling.

In other news:

I have inherited many things from my Paternal Other. A love for making things, a passion for cooking/experimenting, a preference for not driving in city traffic... I love being my father's daughter.


We are in the midst of stage two of a three stage process to see if it is true that my migraines are, in part, triggered by chocolate. This would not be a completely impossible situation, since he also gets headaches from chocolate. I've left denial and am currently on the bargaining stage of grief. Soon will be acceptance.


I will take the migraines because the rest of the things I get from Paternal are completely worth it.

Also it really ought to mean that I get a larger share of the fresh strawberries. Right? Right?

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