November 22, 2009


The Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles are supposed to be written by the same author. As such, my next creed (which ought to be up on Musings tomorrow morning) is the Luke/Acts creed. The assignment wanted us to go up through Acts 8. I skimped on 8 (the Ethiopian Eunuch meets Phillip, who is then whisked away by the Holy Spirit and "finds himself" in a completely other city), and more included the Road to Emmaus parts. (Two folks are walking on the road, Jesus goes with them, they chat, he breaks bread, their eyes are opened, and they realize it's Him, and then he's whisked away and they realize their hearts were "burning within [them]" (spiritual heartburn?) and they understand stuff.)

Anyway. Luke/Acts creed. Hopefully up in the morning if all goes according to plan.

1 comment:

Kansas said...

You can even take the road to Emmaus yourself, because I remember there is an Emmaus in Pennsylvania. And I assume it has a road.