It's been a long day.
It started with work, which went well , and I finished part A of my current project. But it was a lot of work.
Then I did some work in the room, played for chapel, and had lunch.
Then I took a nap.
I know what you're thinking, what's so bad about that? That's not long?
Well, the post-nap was when the trouble started because that's when I turned on my computer. Or, rather, tried to turn on my computer. Computer's new favorite color is blue. And Computer's second favorite color is blue. Computer will only do screens that are Blue with White words.
Panic ensued. And, yes, quite a few tears.
Once I could, I called my fabulous uncle and explained the dilema and he explained the solution.
Then I bought a train ticket, got a ride, caught the train, even though I was 5 minutes late to the station (they call it the Schuykill Expressway so that you feel better about not going anywhere) because the train was 20 minutes late. Got home, picked up the necessary fixing tool from my other awesome uncle (I've got really awesome uncles in general), went to dinner with my awesome parents, came home and unpacked the computer (it made it safe on the train), and sat down with my laptop to check my email.
And promptly became utterly exhausted.
1 comment:
I saw both the awesome uncles y'day, at the Christening of the Beautiful Baby. They assumed suitably modest expressions when asked about their computer- (& niece-) saving activities. I look forward to reading Matthew's Creed.
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