September 4, 2009

Things that I love...

  • ... Jam: homemade jam, (still currently strawberry) on bread.
  • ...Tea: a drink with jam and bread. Or a drink without jam and bread (although with is preferred). Also, homophonetically speaking, my mom.
  • ...FLIPPY BOARDS!!!! I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "Everytime she goes to the train station, we have to hear about the flippy boards and how they go flippetyflippety blah blah blah." Yes. This is true. I love the flippy boards. If you don't know what a flippy board sounds like, it's like... "aflipaflipaflipaflipaflipetyflipetyflipety...flipflipipipipip." (The "ip"s are the one last flipper that gets stuck going ALL the way around and takes longer than the other flippers.) Visible here and here.

1 comment:

Kansas said...

HAHAHAHAHA! I LOVED this post! I have been a huge flippy-board fan since L and I first started taking train-trips (back when he was a much smaller version of himself). Honestly, I would stand and watch that thing in 30th Street Station ... lots of fun. I liked it even better than the candy store there which, I am very sad to say, has closed in recent years. They had awesome chocolate. Sigh.