So, it's been a little while since I've updated and I have a small bit of time, so I thought I'd give y'all a little update on life, bullet-style:
- Working on applications and candidacy forms. Should have everything in the mail/send electronically first thing tomorrow.
- Met with my capstone professor earlier today. I was pretty nervous about it, but it went alright, and even though I didn't actually have a rough draft to show him, he's "not worried" about my writing, so it wasn't a big deal. And he gave me some good pointers on where to go with the writing and the project in general, so I'm feeling better about that.
- I'm preparing a lesson for y'all on how to tell good stories. Because, according to K, I tell good stories. So good, that afterI told him a bedtime story, and tucked him in, and his mom came in to tuck him in, he wanted her to tell him another chapter in the story, even though she had no idea what he was talking about. :D
- My ankle is exploding.
- The end of the semester is coming up WAAAAAYYYY too fast.
- My recital was phenominal, if I haven't posted about that yet. Pictures to come, as soon as people send them to me, *coughcough*
- Arpeggios.
And today's question of the day:
How do you feel about protest? If it's for a worthy cause, and you may, or may not, get in trouble for it, would you do it? Does it matter how many other people are doing it? Does it matter if they are all in it for a good reason, or just to protest? Is it worth it to fight for one cause, even if another (more) important one is being ignored for lack of public interest? Just thoughts... more on that later.
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